I am the model student. After an unbelievably hot night (was like 100 degrees!) and every sleep hypnosis and relaxation video i FINALLY managed to get to sleep at 3 am. i probably should not have decide to fall asleep listening to the Oxegen 2010 podcasts..got me all excited...and after 2 uncomfortable hours of sleep i awoke at 5 to study for my applied maths exams today.
as you can see i spent that first hour meticulously applying makeup and doing my hair and posted here instead.....you know i wish i was just better at this subject, i can do physics pretty fucking well as well as maths( if i work ha)
but the amount of effort required for this! UGH!
oh well just *fingers crossed* i get a b1!
so i am in my final hours of the leaving cert system....thanks be to god. what a monotonous brainless programme that turns us all into information regurgitating zombies

yes i am a LOVELY person giving you that image first thing in the morning (: .
just about 2 hours before i head on in..better get cracking!
cannot wait for tonight should be a good one..
BUT i still need to pay for my Debs tickets! AGH!
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